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GHI Electronics LLC

GHI Electronics LLC is a company specializing in the design, development, and manufacture of embedded hardware and software solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) and industrial automation applications. The company offers a range of products and services that enable customers to develop and deploy innovative IoT solutions.

GHI Electronics' product portfolio includes:

Single Board Computers (SBCs): The company provides SBCs that serve as compact and powerful computing platforms for various IoT applications. These SBCs feature integrated processors, memory, connectivity options, and expansion interfaces to facilitate rapid prototyping and development of IoT devices.

Modules and Development Boards: GHI Electronics offers modules and development boards that provide pre-built hardware platforms for specific IoT applications. These modules and boards typically include microcontrollers, sensors, wireless connectivity, and other necessary components, enabling customers to accelerate their product development processes.

Software Development Tools: The company provides software development tools and frameworks that simplify and streamline the development of IoT applications. These tools include integrated development environments (IDEs), libraries, and software frameworks that support programming languages such as C# and Visual Basic.

IoT Cloud Integration: GHI Electronics supports integration with popular IoT cloud platforms, allowing customers to securely connect their devices and transmit data to the cloud for storage, analytics, and remote monitoring. This enables the creation of scalable and interconnected IoT solutions.

GHI Electronics focuses on providing user-friendly and scalable solutions to meet the specific needs of IoT and industrial automation projects. The company aims to empower customers to bring their IoT ideas to reality through a combination of hardware, software, and cloud integration offerings.

In addition to its product offerings, GHI Electronics offers comprehensive technical support, documentation, and community forums to assist customers in their development efforts. The company emphasizes collaboration and knowledge sharing among developers to foster a vibrant ecosystem of IoT innovation.

Consiglia prodotti

GHI Electronics LLC Linea di prodotto

Integrated Circuits (ICs)

Embedded Solutions