CI logici programmabili
A programmable logic device (PLD) is an electronic component used to build reconfigurable digital circuits. Unlike a logic gate, which has a fixed function, a PLD has an undefined function at the time of manufacture. In 1970, Texas Instruments developed a mask-programmable IC based on the IBM read-only associative memory or ROAM. Programmable Logic IC manufacturers including Analog Devices, Texas Instruments, Xilinx, Microchip, ON Semiconductor etc. Avaq Semiconductor is supplying Programmable Logic IC online. You can view stock, price, package, datasheet for the Programmable Logic IC products list below.
Tipi di Circuiti integrati (CI)
- Filtro attivo
- Circuiti integrati dell'amplificatore
- Circuiti integrati attenuatori
- Circuiti integrati audio
- Chipset
- CI per orologio e timer
- CI di comunicazione e rete
- CI comparatori
- Circuiti integrati contatore
- CI convertitori di dati
- Circuiti integrati del potenziometro digitale
- Circuiti integrati driver
- Processori e controller integrati
- Equalizzatori
- CI di interfaccia
- Linear
- CI logici
- Circuiti integrati di memoria
- Circuiti integrati multimediali
- CI di gestione dell'alimentazione
- CI logici programmabili
- IC di sicurezza/IC di autenticazione
- Cambiare i circuiti integrati
- Circuiti integrati wireless e RF
The EPM7064STC44-10N is a high-density, high-performance Programmable Logic Device (PLD) based on second-generation MAX® architecture. Fabricated with advanced CMOS technology, the EEPROM-based MAX 7000 family provides 600 to 5000 usable gates, ISP, pin-to-pin delays as fast as 5ns and counter speeds of up to 175.4MHz. Additional design entry and simulation support provided by EDIF 2 0 0 and 3 0 0 netlist files, library of parameterized modules (LPM), Verilog HDL, VHDL and other interfaces to popular EDA tools from manufacturers such as Cadence, Exemplar Logic, Mentor Graphics, OrCAD, Synopsys and VeriBest.
- What are Programmable Logic ICs?
- Programmable Logic ICs, often referred to as PLDs, are integrated circuits that can be programmed to perform specific digital logic functions. They provide flexibility in designing digital circuits by allowing users to define custom logic operations and configurations.
- How do I select between a CPLD and an FPGA?
- Choose a CPLD for relatively simpler logic circuits where speed and performance aren't critical. Opt for an FPGA for more complex designs that require high-performance, extensive logic, and specialized functions.
- What is the role of interconnects in Programmable Logic ICs?
- Interconnects are the routing resources that connect various logic cells, memory blocks, and I/O elements within the PLD. They enable communication between different parts of the design.